Videos + Transcripts

It’s pretty late at night, but I was way too excited to film this video to wait till tomorrow. So I started filming my room, but I was like… no, I gotta still keep it “professional”. So today I’m just going to talk about my faith and how it’s grown and where it’s been. And I didn’t think I’d make this video for a while because I still have a long way to go in faith. And also, I don’t want to tell my testimony like how I think it should sound. I just want to authentically state, what has been happening in my heart. And it’s been such a personal thing between me and God that I don’t think even my closest friends and family know the entirety of the story. Okay, I’m just gonna start from the very beginning, the day I was born. 

As far back as I can remember, I always had this subtle hunger for God. And never came from something like a church camp or something where I’m like, oh, maybe this is something I should be pursuing. He was just always this inner desire. Inside of me. Even back in the days of preschool where all I could picture of God was like a cartoon guy with a beard. I found myself thinking about God a lot. And in second grade ish. I started trying to read the Bible, because it just interested me. Fun fact, I’ve also just recently found my Bible from second grade. And when I say I read my Bible in second grade, I did not want to make myself sound like a child genius here or anything because… I’d highlight literally whole chapters. I probably didn’t even read it. To be honest, I was probably like, ooh, Jonah, that that name sounds cool. I mean, let me just highlight this whole chapter. 

And it was all stemming from this inner desire that I had to know God. But as contradictory to everything I just said, I was also born with a really skeptical mind, these questions started piling up and up and up, and I wasn’t getting any answers until like, about fifth or sixth grade, my faith in God totally broke. And I actually ended up declaring myself agnostic. And I think the breaking point for my faith was an adult figure that was influential to me at the time. He showed me these documentaries about evolution and everything, and basically told me that Christianity was wrong. And I don’t know why. I immediately believed him for some reason, like, oh, he has all the answers. I don’t know, the same person also believed that aliens built the pyramids, and reincarnation and all that stuff. So I don’t even know. But subconsciously, like I never stopped searching for answers, though. By somewhere like sixth grade, seventh grade, I’ve read a lot of the Quran. I’ve read the whole entire Bible, and I really had like, no more desire left for God. And I also spend a lot of time online looking at atheistic reasoning videos, and stuff. And somewhere during that time an apologetic series came up that I started watching, it was called futures that defy evolution by Dr. Joe Martin. So really strongly during that time that Christianity was absent of reason, like I first thought it was, then after that time in my life, I started going through really, really, really hard times. And God kind of used that in my life to rekindle my desire for him. But at that time, I didn’t realize that I couldn’t find God within my mind, but I had to seek Him through my heart. 

The greatest evil of religion is trying to achieve righteousness apart from God. And that’s what I was doing. I was, I was not having a relationship or not pursuing a relationship with God. But I was pursuing righteousness on my own strength, which is completely impossible and will only drive you crazy. I think during this time, it was like worshiping God really from a distance because I was so ashamed of just myself and my sin that I desired, like, a friendship and everything with God, but I felt like I couldn’t help it. I just felt like it would be more of a burden to God, if I were to, like, pursue that. I don’t know why. And for a long time, my Christianity just went up and down, up and down. And sometimes I felt really close to God, and I’d have a clear conscience. And sometimes I was really distant from God. And it was just my Christianity that felt like a struggle. Time with God felt like more of a checklist type thing. Usually, most of the time it was just like, okay, check out a Bible verse, check, listen to some Christian music today. You know, it was not like an authentic relationship with Him. It had a lot of confusion as to why I saw around me the Christian faith is being taken so casually. 

I did love God. I was not a false Christian or anything like that. During this time, I was just a baby Christian, basically, like an infant and I think a carnal Christian and one thing I was really starting to desire at this time was Christian fellowship that I started entering into this season of my life where it was just a huge sense of loneliness. But it wasn’t anything I could justify at the time, I was really confused by it because I had so many great friends and friends that I’d have conversations with and laugh with all the time. And so I was very confused by wanting a relationship, like more than a friendship, more than a romantic relationship. But I didn’t match that up with God at the time, God actually planted that desire in my heart to get to know him more personally, as a person, rather than a subject matter. 

I think I associated this feeling of loneliness with lack of Christian Fellowship. So at the time, there is this Christian event for people my age coming up, and I was so excited, I was praying about it a lot, and everything like that, but I think while I was there, I got like, a comment “whoa, you take this Christian thing a little too seriously” or something like that. And, um, and I remember I got in the car afterwards, and I started sobbing and sobbing, and my mom was like, “What’s wrong?” and I was just like, I couldn’t tell her I couldn’t even tell myself what was wrong. I didn’t even know what I was crying about. And at the time, I kind of felt like God had abandoned me or something. Spoiler: He didn’t. But God later showed me a passage of why I was feeling all those things. And it’s from A.W. Tozer. It’s titled The state must walk alone, I can link it down below. And it gives examples from the Bible of how like, all like the people God used in the old New Testament, the Bible, basically had to go through a time of just them in God, basically. And I’m actually just gonna read the passage that God showed me about, like, hey, this may be something that some of you guys are experiencing, so I’m just gonna get right into it. 


“The pain of loneliness arises from the constitution of our nature. God made us for each other. The desire for human companionship is completely natural and right. The loneliness of the Christian results from his walk with God in an ungodly world, a walk that must often take him away from the fellowship of good Christians as well as from that of the unregenerate world. His God-given instincts cry out for companionship with others of his kind, others who can understand his longings, his aspirations, his absorption in the love of Christ; and because within his circle of friends there are so few who share inner experiences, he is forced to walk alone. The unsatisfied longings of the prophets for human understanding caused them to cry out in their complaint, and even our Lord Himself suffered in the same way. The man who has passed on into the divine Presence in actual inner experience will not find many who understand him. A certain amount of social fellowship will of course be his as he mingles with religious persons in the regular activities of the church, but true spiritual fellowship will be hard to find. But he should not expect things to be otherwise. After all he is a stranger and a pilgrim, and the journey he takes is not on his feet but in his heart. He walks with God in the garden of his own soul – and who but God can walk there with him? He finds few who care to talk about that which is the supreme object of his interest, so he is often silent and preoccupied in the midst of noisy religious shoptalk. For this he earns the reputation of being dull and overserious, so he is avoided and the gulf between him and society widens. It is this very loneliness that throws him back upon God. His inability to find human companionship drives him to seek in God what he can find nowhere else. He learns in inner solitude what he could not have learned in the crowd – that Christ is All in All.

Two things remain to be said. One, that the lonely man of whom we speak is not a haughty man, nor is he the holier-than-thou, austere saint so bitterly satirized in popular literature. He is likely to feel that he is the least of all men and is sure to blame himself for his very loneliness. He wants to share his feelings with others and to open his heart to some like-minded soul who will understand him, but the spiritual climate around him does not encourage it, so he remains silent and tells his griefs to God alone.”


Okay, next part of the story. This might be a little bit surprising because it was not too long ago, this was towards the end of my freshman year, I went through my last and final wave of doubt. But during this time, I came face to face with the fact that I can absolutely not live without God. I was miserable, like spiritually miserable, I forgot how to like function as a human being… reality just hit me that I cannot possibly live without God, and coming face to face with this reality and realizing how completely miserable without bad I was. I told God, Lord, if there is 1% chance that you exist, even a 1% chance, here’s my life. Take it, I surrender the need to know all the answers, I give you my life, also render everything, even if there’s just a 1% chance from here. That was the point where I no longer even made Him a top priority in life, but my life in general, and realized I don’t even desire this world, or even the heaven or the abundant life He offers. I just desire God and God alone.

 And from that point on, when I realized no matter what I was going to seek Him with everything I have in me, I will no longer I can say with confidence right now will no longer have doubts, again, because he has revealed Himself to me in ways, like, I don’t even believe He’s real. I know He’s real, because I’d be a complete idiot. If I went back to having doubts, because of the ways he has revealed himself. I really want to make this point clear and read this verse to you, John 7:17 – “If anyone chooses to do God’s will, he will find out whether my teaching comes from God or whether I speak from my own”. The Bible talks about how God will show Himself to you if you seek Him, and do His will. And so how you know, that they say, you can never know the answer to life but you can. You do not know Christianity is real from apologetics and theology, even though I’m very passionate about that, that is not you will still find yourself wrapped in doubt, if you get all your faith from that how you know, that God is real with absolutely not a shadow of a doubt, is by seeking Him. And eventually, in his time, He will reveal Himself to you. Sorry to be all preachy, but like that, it’s so exciting. To realize this, you really have to come to a state of humility, like, for example, back then I didn’t even know what I was thinking, thinking I could find the answer to the universe, who am I to? I was just thinking about this in the car today, like, like, how would I think I even had the capability to possess the ability to find the answer to the universe like, that is something only God could reveal to me by opening my eyes to the truth. And I still have a long, long way to go on my faith. Like, I feel like this is still the beginning of me stepping into a deeper relationship with God. 

And I also learned more and more about obedience and experiencing him through obedience. He has been slowly changing me from the inside out. And it’s been like change that I have not tried to force upon myself, but only by abiding in Christ that has produced within me I can’t even express this enough to you guys that it’s only stuff that God has done through me because without him, I am weak. I’ve tried on my own strength before, it does not work. It does not like I can’t even express to you like, what a weak person I am without God. And so I want to make the point clear that there’s nothing in me doing these things. That is all God, God is producing me from abiding. And then another thing that’s like, totally radically changed from like, last year, is I’m just my quality of time spending with God in general. Like I remember saying, like, meaning the video like how my time of God used to be like a checklist, like, listen to a Christian song, read a Bible verse, all that. But now, honestly, there’s there’s some days during the summer where I just spent all day spending time with God, and it was just refreshing to my soul.

 My prayer time, and my Bible time of God is like, something I look forward to, like, sometimes I’m at school and I can’t wait to get home because then I’ll get to talk to God. Like I honestly can say, right now that God is my best friend. And that makes me want to cry. Because that is something I’ve always wanted to say, I always get this burning desire for other people to know this. How amazing and present he can be in your life. Nothing is more heartbreaking to me than people who do not know this joy. And I’m, like, for example. Like a few years ago, I used to be the hugest fan of Ariana Grande day that you could ever imagine. My absolute top goal for my life was to meet Ariana like I thought that was gonna be the thing where it would make me happy for the rest of my life. And I did. I eventually ended up meeting her. And it was something I looked forward to for so many years. Before I  really knew God, the time of meeting her was the happiest time of my life. I was crying tears of joy. I was actually crying. And now the concert was so fun. And why I’m bringing that up is because that from earthly experiences was probably like the best time of my life. Like the time I was happiest. But guys, every single night or almost every single night… I experience greater joy than I felt on that day meeting Ariana, which I thought was the goal for my entire life when you read these stories of people that have deeper connections of Christ like Michael Chriswell, or a W. Tozer, or Andrew Murray, or lots of people like that you realize that they’re experiencing a whole nother level of Christianity than you see in the world today, usually (note: people mentioned are no longer trusted sources due to mystic backgrounds). And you can live that as not just for them, you can live that level of faith and God has given me so many real revelations that I don’t think I have the ability to express yet. I’ve tried opening a lot of them into words, but I can’t I’ll one day be able to but it’s frustrating because I can’t I just can’t put any of this stuff into words but I just want to share all this to to just encourage you guys to just keep seeking God with everything you have. 

Show obedience to Him through his strength, depend on him and just establish that relationship with him and put it first in your life and seek Him because it is the most worth it thing you could ever have. So thank you so much for watching, it is really getting late. And yeah, just keep seeking God.

The Topic of Forgiveness

With the topic of unforgiveness, the first thing we got to do is state the reasons why unforgiveness is bad. In the Bible there’s this parable of the unmerciful servant. And in this story, it just basically illustrates how, if God can forgive us for our countless sins against Him, we can forgive anybody. Just think about it, when Jesus was being nailed to that cross despite being in unimaginable pain… in the midst of that pain, He said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do”. Our purpose on this earth is to demonstrate God’s love and you can’t do that if you hold unforgiveness in your heart and you also need to come down to a humble understanding that hurt people hurt people. Sometimes when people are doing evil things to you, it’s coming from a place of like pain inside their heart, and they’re usually the ones that need love the most. And in some situations, some people have no idea what they’re doing or that they are hurting you and getting mad at them would be equivalent to getting mad at a blind guy for stepping on your foot at the grocery store. And sometimes people have afflictions against you because they are being used as a tool by God to shape your character.

 Another reason why we should learn how to forgive is because unforgiveness produces anger. Anger in the Bible is described as the devil’s footstool. Just Just think about it. When you’re angry at someone, that’s when the most hurtful things come out and things that you don’t really mean but you just stay in the moment. And it’s just the easiest way to fall into sin. There’s two types of anger, unrighteous anger and righteous anger. Unrighteous anger is the result of our own ego standards being violated. But on the other hand, righteous anger is when you’re mad about God’s standards being violated. And I also want to make this point clear: anger in itself is not a bad thing. For example, if you see a kid or a small kid getting bullied on the side of the street and you feel angry, like you want to defend them, that’s a good thing. We belong to a God that loves justice when we get angry, because we see stuff like that happening, justice is wired into our heart, we desire to see wrongs punished and rights rewarded. When somebody does something wrong, you have a God-given internal desire to see that wrong  made right. C.S. Lewis in his book, Mere Christianity, talks about this idea that things in themselves aren’t bad until we make it bad. Because we use it out of God’s will like, for example, things such as anger, money, food, sex, internet… these, these things in themselves aren’t bad until we use them out of God’s will and then they become bad. Because we spoil it. For example, the internet is not a bad thing… it’s how you’re seeing this video. You can get all this information, and it’s a great thing. But if you use it for things, you know, you shouldn’t, then it becomes bad. And another example is like, money does not produce greed. It’s when we use money and idolize it, which is out of God’s will. And that’s when it becomes bad. And food, food can lead to life, and it can lead to death. Food is great, I don’t have to prove food is great to you. You already know that. But if you eat a packet of Oreos, as the only thing you eat each meal each day, then it’s not gonna lead to great results. I said all that disapprove of anger and then self is not bad. It’s when we use it out of God’s will. That is when it becomes bad. Anger is coming from a god given place inside of you. Here’s a key point here. But it gets spoiled when you take God’s role and think that you are the person who is supposed to bring justice to that person. Your role is to trust that God sees what is being done to you, and he wants the justice that you are designed to see in your life. For example, say a really mean person beats you up and steals your money. How do you think your Father in heaven would feel if he sees this being done to one of His own children who he bought and paid for with His son’s blood… to see His own loved child hurt like that? That is why we have such a loving God for justice. So when somebody does something unthinkable towards you, and you see in Scripture, like you should forgive, and you’re like, God, how do I do that? I don’t know how to forgive this person. Your role is just to trust God that God will bring about justice, that person and you can ask God to help me forgive this person because storing unforgiveness in your heart and block your relationship with God and holds you back from demonstrating love the way Christ did. And I know forgiveness is so much easier said than done. But when somebody does you wrong, take it as an opportunity to learn how to love like Jesus and take it as an opportunity to strengthen your character and turn the other cheek. And it says in the Bible that love keeps no record of wrong. Pray for them. And just learn how to love like Jesus has loved us.

Mature in Faith

You often hear these testimonies about people who accept Jesus into their life and life is amazing. Life is great. But then what after that?

In the evolution of the Christian, there’s two destinations that must take place in your walk with Christ. The first place is the place where you choose to have God in your life. You accept Jesus into your heart, you say, I choose to believe in Him and you receive salvation. And the second destination, there’s lots of names for it, but I like to call it spiritual maturity, the place where your soul reaches the promised land where you receive full baptism of the Holy Spirit, and you have victory over sin. And basically, when you complete the process of sanctification, and I just want to say if you haven’t made it to the first destination, this video will be like in a different language, it will be really hard to understand. But this video is talking about the time in between these two destinations, which is called the time of sanctification, and I don’t think this time is a matter of days or weeks. But no, it’s a matter of years, I’ve heard it ranges from like three to 20 years. So it’s a long time. Think of it as a stage of being a spiritual baby, and then you grow up into an adult. Basically, I like what lecrae said about it as no one comes out of the womb to walk it. Another way to visually represent it is this is one the Bible uses quite often if you have a sphere and then it grows into a flower or a plant. Once you reach this place of spiritual maturity, you are no longer a slave to sin, fellowship with a spirit, there’ll be like spiritual fruit in your life and you will find contentment in Christ and you have fellowship and just a severely intimate relationship with God, just basically a whole nother level of faith. Once you’re at this place of spiritual maturity. This is when God can fully use you for the mission. After the destination of spiritual maturity, your faith no longer feels like up and down and says like, way up there, I don’t know how to explain that, well, you conformed to the image of Christ and you start to love Him and others with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Spiritual maturity at his core is conforming to the image of Christ, which is the filming of the New Covenant. So in this video, I’m going to solely focus on the transformation it takes to get from here to there between these two destinations. You will experience four things, faith surrender, discipline/obedience and endurance in the battle of spiritual warfare. 

The first one we’re going to focus on is faith. You have to learn to believe in the promise of the New Covenant, that God will fulfill your faith that he wants to do it, and that he will do it Jesus Christ living in you and you living like Jesus Christ. The secret of the New Covenant is believing that God will do it all we do not reach this place of spiritual maturity by our own strength, like the Old Covenant apart from God, we are nothing we do not have the ability to do this man is simple only because we are imperfect because we are not God, we are separate from God. So God’s solution was to live in us and work through us. If we relied on our own strength, we’d be exhausted and never make it. Your job is just to abide in Christ and remain in a close relationship with Him through constant communication with her and daily reading the Bible. And does number two surrender rendering the right to have our needs met, which enables us to not be served but to serve like Jesus did the part of your walk with Christ where you learn doesn’t render any desires, your flesh and anything holding you back from God in your life.

And trust me, once God is all you have, you’ll realize that he’s all you could ever need or want. Show God you mean business, get rid of anything holding you back from your faith or spiritual garbage. For me, this was deleting a lot of songs off my phone, because a lot of them were just like, very inappropriate. And I just remember going through and I’m like, okay, Holy Spirit, show me the ones that you want me to delete. And I would get this spirit of unrest whenever I’d come upon a song that God wanted me to delete from my phone and like, it’s catchy. It’s not inappropriate. There’s just a few verses in there and then and then I just go to the restaurant and then there’s this overwhelming feeling of like uneasiness and like, okay, God, I know you’re telling me to delete this so but it goes more than just external things like here’s also an internal surrender that takes place this is what it means to take up your cross daily just surrender the desires of the flesh. For example, when someone says something mean to you or offends you, in some way, your first gut reaction is just to say something back, get back at them but biblically, it says turn the other cheek and show love to them. And so surrendering the desire of your flesh would be to get rid of that desire to be angry at them, and instead of replacing that desire with love and showing love back to them.

Okay, the third one is discipleship slash obedience, the part where you train yourself to be godly. The first stage of this is God, exposing the filthiness in your heart and showing you areas you need to work on, revealing whatever you’re supposed to be doing. It is  just walking in Christ’s footsteps. And remember, we have the ability to do this because of the power of grace. 

Last one is spiritual warfare. Spiritual warfare is necessary for spiritual growth and it is a very good thing, unless you’re not responding to it properly. Think about how many people you know that come to Christ through brokenness, the story of Job in the Bible as a prime example of spiritual warfare. The spiritual attack is not evidence you have bad fruit. The evidence of fruit is what the spiritual attack produces in your heart, and going through spiritual warfare includes doubts about your salvation, thoughts that God is not good and he has rejected you, loss and pain in your life, being in a dark place in your mind, and negative thoughts, temptation and so much more. There are four reasons for spiritual warfare. And the first one is testing. Until Christ is fully formed, Satan will try to do everything he can to make you act independent of God’s will. To test your faith, God will give the devil access to your life. And for very good reasons. The afflictions from the devil will make not only your faith stronger, but your character stronger. The second reason for spiritual warfare is true character shows not when your life is great, but when your life is turned upside down. He does this for the strengthening and the consistency of our character. Because our main goal throughout all of this is to receive the character of Christ, which I’m going to make a video on next week. Third reason is trust. It eventually brings about trust in God, you’ll see all the ways he still remains faithful to you and still offers you grace. It will help you realize the love he has for you, and it will strengthen your relationship with him. Fourth reason is humility. It will make us realize how dependent we are on God and that we can really do nothing apart from Him. And we realize the blessing of weakness. If Jesus were to remove all the struggles of sin overnight, and we become Christ-like characters overnight… Well, guess what? We’re gonna be struggling with pride, we would think “Whoa, look at us being all Christ like” you know? So we need to realize it’s all in him and not on us. It develops a dependence on God and shows us our need for a savior keeps us humble. So we use his strength to persevere and to enter. Okay, that’s really it for the things I want to say for like the process of sanctification. But I also want to say that I guess I’ve come up with this list, but it’s really not a formula. Really, everybody’s walk with Christ is different. And we all get to this place at different times in different ways and happens differently for every person, just keep chasing after Christ with all you have. And eventually you will reach that spiritual Promised Land. And I almost feel like a bit of a hypocrite for making this video because I know, I haven’t reached full spiritual maturity yet, and I’m closer than I ever was. But I was actually inspired not only by God laying this video idea on my heart, but I was listening to Michael Criswell, who is my favorite Christian YouTuber (Note: no longer a trusted source). He’s reached full spiritual maturity, you can just tell by his messages, like it’s not even him speaking. It’s the Holy Spirit. So I have not reached that place yet. But I am definitely a Christian for a little over two years, and I’m definitely out of place in my faith. I’ve never been before like, like, in my past, my faith has just felt like going ups and downs. And now it feels like it’s steady up. And like, I’m feeling contentment with Christ. And like, I’m fully beginning to understand like, I could start crying, I’m really beginning to understand that like, he truly wants the best for me and like, even with trials to face like, he really intends good for people and he wants us to enjoy life and he wants the best for us. He knows I just can’t even say I just have such joy in Christ. I can’t explain it. And the reason I make YouTube videos is not because I necessarily like making YouTube videos, but I want to get this message out there because I want everybody to experience the same joy I’m experiencing because I’ve not felt the same joy like this and anything else in my life? Definitely not. And so I want everybody to experience this. And right now I’m trying to get that to that place of spiritual maturity that Michael Chriswell talks about, and so many people talk about and and so right now, I’m praying for tests and like, God send trials my way that’s that’s a scary prayer to make. But I never thought I’d get to this place. I am right now in my faith. And the reason I want to make these videos is because I want everybody’s experienced the same joy that I wake up to every day with God.

Scientific Proof of God

Science? God? Those two things go together?


Hey there today I’m coming in with a scientific, but also reason based video of a Christian worldview on mainly the subjects irreducible complexity and intelligent design. What compelled me so strongly to make this video is the fact that we live in a world that inculcates and praises scientism. And it’s not exactly fair for a growing individual who wants to make and decipher through their own decision. Why be fed only option A when there’s a whole alphabet to be discovered? So by no means am I making this video to try to tear down anybody’s beliefs or like, debate someone, but I just want to offer all this information to you so you can make your own decisions. Okay, I’ve already made this intro longer than I wanted to, because I have a lot of information to cover. I’m trying to get it in a short amount of time. So I’m just gonna hop right into it. 


First, I want to cover a secular view of the origin of life. And I really don’t want to make this part biased in any way. So if you have anything you want to add, add it into the comments below. And I’m going to be reading Bill Bryson’s book, A Short History of Nearly Everything, so that it’s not biased in any way. And keep in mind, I am trying to like, go through this video fast. 


Okay, so here’s the book, I just went through and read and summarized basically, what the chapter said, like how the universe started. And so I’ll read it out to you. So it’s shorter amount of time that I’m not like going through and reading paragraphs you know, so. So, basically a singularity, the size of a billionth of a proton, which is incomprehensibly small, had everything that exists which is 98% of matter. Or 98% of matter, I mean, and then gravity made it expand out forming, like, like this materials as it went. And it caused the radiation and heat which was 10 billion degrees. And precisely formed fine tuned things such as Earth. 


Okay, and even a shorter amount of time, I’m going to summarize how the Christian believe the earth began. First off, I’m going to say there’s very differing views on the subject. Some are theistic evolutionists, mature creationist, some are young earth creationist, which is all good and has equally good points. But  I can only speak from my perspective being progressive creationist, so I’ll tell you about that. So as you see here, and the original text of the Bible, Yom actually means a period of time in Hebrew. So the original text doesn’t say God created the earth in seven days, it said seven periods of times, and we don’t know exactly how long these periods of time are. It is often translated into day in English just for the ease of translation. I also believe in the adaptation rather than mutation. And I believe that science proves God and rather than contradicts God, and I’m going to tell you all the reasons for that right now, the possibility for any life existing is almost infinitely slim. And it’s balanced on a small scale of numbers and ifs, which I’m going to show a bunch of examples should be sliding down some examples. 


Okay. Future editing Taylor, thank you. There you go. I’m going to be carrying on the video for the sake of time, but just pause, if you would like to read any of these, also the almost infinitely crazy number sequence of DNA. And I’m not going to get too far into this because I know there’s a lot of videos and resources talking about this. This DNA sequence actually happening that forms this is like, basically a typewriter exploding and creating the dictionary. Scientists have been baffled over this sequence for years and years. 


Okay, I’m going to move on from that and talk about the irreducible complexity of the cell. Back in Darwin’s time, cells were viewed as not complex in any way, but more like globs of jello. Because of new technology, we are able to see that this is not the case at all. And the insane complexity of these microscopic machines still perplexed scientists to this day. At the supposed beginning of the earth, the cell was in an environment that had absolutely no need to adapt. I’m going to insert a video of me talking about how insanely complex this cell was. [Shows Cell Model] Okay, as you can see here, here’s the animation of the cell. It’s like a rollercoaster. After entering the heart of the cell we view the cell’s DNA process known as transcription and the molecular machine unwinds the section of the DNA helix to expose the instructions needed to assemble a protein molecule. Another machine then copies these instructions to form another message known as RNA. Then, the transcription is complete, it carries it to the nuclear pore complex, which is like a gatekeeper for the traffic in and out of the cell. The RNA strand is then directed to a two part factory called arriva zone and then the process of translation begins. So either I was shown an assembly line forms an extensive chain of amino acids, their sequence arrangement determines which type of protein is made. When the chain is finished, it is then moved from the ribosome to a machine that forms it into the right shape critical to its function. There it is made into a protein that is then released and shepherded by another molecular machine to the location where it is needed. Just consider the irreducible complexity of this, x would not be able to function without y, and y without x making it simply impossible to evolve. And the fact that all these compounds existed in the first place without reason and has the ability to come together and make all this… it’s just crazy. This then leads into one of my favorite topics of irreducible complexity. But first, I want to start with something that I know we’ll get a lot of rolled eyes over.


Okay, what came first, the chicken or the egg? It’s not an actual argument I’m trying to make but I’m using it as a lead into irreducible complexity. Now, think about this… what came first… blood or blood vessels? There’s just certain things in the environment, but also within yourself, that if it was not all miraculously evolving, at the same time, there’d be no chance of life, if it was not able to immediately possess these things, there would be no chance of it living. Kind of going off the top of my head right now… but like… how can the brain function without the digestive system getting nutrients to the brain? How can we have the thought to look for these nutrients without the brain? And how do we have the muscles to go and get these nutrients? And how can we look for them without eyes? Like, it just all has to correspond together. Did the brain telling us we need to eat evolve first or did the liver and mouth evolve that gets these food into our bodies? And what about gender? For the first species to have any chance of them carrying on they would have identical species but fitting reproductive systems. I’m not going to get too far into this. But you know what I mean? Hypothetically, going back to the chicken and egg argument, a hypothetical hen would have to be evolving around a rooster to get a fertilized egg. Okay, let’s move on and talk about the incredible complexity of everything that is so crazily complex that a non purposeful blind and directional process couldn’t have possibly constructed it. I could make a three hour long talk on just this topic itself. But remember, this whole video is just like key points. Because evolution is a blind process, it could not have been like “oh, yeah, we need to make two eyes. Exactly this amount apart because oh, yeah… depth perception!” You have to remember that the evolution theory is a truly blind and unconscious process. And I don’t think a lot of people have a grasp on the fact that a combination of time and scientific laws is not magic, like we make it out to be. It literally does not have a mind of its own. And I don’t think society fully has a grasp on this because people tend to believe in whatever is dressed up in the name of science. If you are a computer programmer, or some type of engineer, you know exactly how difficult it is just to get something to work. Whether it’s big or small, just to get it functioning is a very difficult task. But one thing you do have that evolution does not is rational thinking. The evolution theory is a theory that assumes that complex machines are far far greater and complex and humans have ever been able to make blindly create this matter from nothing without even knowing it. Take for example, the airplane, the airplane was a creation that took years and years for humans to master. It was an extensive and difficult task to get it critiqued and engineered just right? So it can fly. But do you know how we finally figured out how to make it fly? By observing the natural world. And by studying the bird’s wings and seeing how they moved. So how do we think that design came through? Again, a blind process with the complete absence of reason? Why, when we with this ability to rationalize, can’t sometimes do it ourselves? Rational thinking not be the product of irrational causes? It’s a self contradiction. If your mind is a product of the blind, unguided and irrational, how should you trust it? When does it tell you about evolution? We’re because according to that we’re not wired to think for truth. We’re wired, and tuned for survival instincts when the universe started with that infinitely small, dense speck of energy. It wasn’t like, “Oh, yeah, my end goal is to make human beings that can seek out purpose and meaning”. No, again, it had no direction.

From that beginning state, you have to remember that this theory states that all this complexity came from accidents alone, it does not just go from chaos stuff order without any form of intellect. This goes against the second law of thermodynamics. DNA code barriers state that there are frequent occurring mutations within DNA. But however, they can never add new information, no amount of selection can create new genetic information… This makes it impossible for a creature to go from warm blooded, cold blooded or reptile to bird, can you think of anything that is still evolving today? Once I asked my teacher, like, will humans evolve anymore? Like I just asked that during class, and he said something like, humans might go a third arm or something like that. And when he asked what you can tell the class kind of like looking around and like, no one, not even him really believed it. And the truth is like, that is supposedly what happened in the past, even more dramatic changes than that. If you just think about how perfect This world is, I don’t think science can be labeled as a reason why. Given that it has no sense or purpose. The things that supposedly constructed the world today didn’t have any consciousness even know it was doing. So the fact that there is the water cycle, and the earth provides specific nutrients that we need through foods, the function like calcium for strong bones, and just stuff like that. And the plants that give us food also have the ability to reproduce. If you just think about all the ways our bodies function, like our digestive center system, and the ability to breathe, and how plants breathe in carbon and breath out oxygen that humans breathe and the fact that we need sleep and there’s a period called day and night. And we need like darkness triggers sleep hormones, and the fact that we are able to have electricity and just like the incredible fact that we’re like, able to move our muscles and we are able to feel we are able to see we are able to smell. We are able to taste. I don’t know about you, but when our tastes like some good food, that’s like proof of God like 100%. We are able to hear. We have voice boxes to communicate our thoughts and decipher what we’re gonna say. We’re able to read like, see words on a page and understand them. I think the fact that I’m even just alive right now is just like, so magical in a way and I don’t think science alone could ever sum it up. Like like sunsets rainbows views that take your breath away as babies, little puppy dogs, and

 abstract nouns such as beauty, peace, love or joy, excitement, warmth, humor, generosity, compassion. These are just so meaningful that I don’t think it can come from science alone. What I’m describing is something you call qualia. It comes from a philosophical phenomenon called Mary’s room. Okay. Now, imagine a brilliant neuroscientist named Mary. Suppose Mary is colorblind and sees everything in black and white. And even though Mary is colorblind, she is an expert. In color vision, she knows everything ever discovered about its biology and physics. She knows how different wavelengths of light trigger three types of cone cells in the retina. And she knows how electrical signals traveled down the optic nerve into the brain. And there they create patterns of neural activities that make humans be able to distinguish millions of colors. Now imagine one day for the first time in your life and the apple appears that she can see in color. Now she can experience something she knows all about. Did she learn anything new? This idea presents that if knowing all there is to know about colors physically and experiencing, it teaches us something different, it cannot be completely summed up with physical science. It contradicts the theory of physicalism and scientism, which teaches us everything can be explained through science. So summary of this entire video, like life itself is way too meaningful and complex just to come from the irrational and only physical. Now, I can already predict the comments already. I know I’m gonna be accused of being ignorant and not knowing enough about science to make these claims or arguments but I get it, I get it. I am not a scientist. And I don’t claim to be. I’m only a freshman in high school. I mean, so I get it. But there are plenty of incredible sciences that have the exact same view as mine. There’s scientists who have studied this basically all their life and claim also for the call of intelligent design. Okay, there’s no doubt that Albert Einstein was a crazy genius. Though he did not believe in the Christian God throughout his life, he said several statements about his belief in intelligent design, such as “the more I study science, the more I believe in God.” And then there’s Isaac Newton, who is ranked the most influential scientist, and even above the most famous Albert Einstein. There is no doubt that Isaac Newton was brilliant. He was an English physicist and mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, Alchemist theologian, and one of the most influential men in human history… he actually wrote many books against atheism, and some about his belief in Christianity. There are tons and tons of brilliant scientists that believe in intelligent design, such as, I’m just gonna read it off, hold up, because I can’t remember all this. Okay, I just printed off because I had trouble pronouncing the names, but here are some of the most famous theistic scientists. That was only a few but um, I’m going to list a bunch of Christian scientists and if you want to pause the video and view some of them you can if you come with me to this point, I really hope you enjoy this video and share it with a friend if you want to. I’m going to start making more videos and more videos and I’m excited that this is getting out there is exciting and thanks for letting me just say my thoughts on this subject and because like they’ve been in my head for a while, but I’ve just never really communicating and service like, kind of missed the video. For most of it, I was just going off the top of my head. I had like bullet points but like, yeah, so I hope everybody has a blessed day and I look forward to seeing you and future videos and I love you all.


Realizing God's Grace

I first off want to say that I know this video won’t be perfect. I’m not good at speaking in front of a camera. It’s not the best video quality. I mean, I’m filming on my phone. And I have a lot to say on this subject, even though I’m only 15. And so, I mean, like I haven’t, I’m not like a genius on this stuff. I don’t contain all the knowledge. But I do know some stuff that most people don’t know, that I really, really need to get out there. This subject I’m about to talk about was inspired by Jared Wilson and his book, Gospel Wakefulness, which is just like talking about the presence of God and Him in our life. And I definitely recommend it. The book is like, super beautiful, just like the wording, he puts things into words that I’ve never been able to put into words, like he goes in depth about the idea of grace. And it was just amazing. So I definitely recommend that. And I’m just kind of doing a surface summary. The gospel is the most thrilling news there could be. I’ve seen so many lives change from it. It’s a story about God’s immeasurable grace. It’s an epic love story that never gets old as our Creator came down to sacrifice Himself for the sake of our relationship with us, because sin, which causes so much corruption and evil in this world, was a barrier between us and our Father, or Creator. 

Since God is so good and so rich in love, He came down and destroyed that barrier on the cross for the fall of man. That was His plan for the fall of man to be restored. But God comes in and reigns in our heart, cleansing out the old self and building up the new and renewing our mind (Romans 12:2). He expands our hearts and prevails over His Spirit works in us to conform us to his glory. During this time of gospel wakefulness, which is basically kind of the presence of God, it’s kind of hard to explain or put into words, even the author of the book, Jared Wilson, had trouble doing this as well. But during this time of gospel wakefulness,  one is so utterly captivated, so moved to joy and enthrallment, because of the realization of His grace, like the only times I’ve really, truly cried, tears of joy in my life are because of this like experiencing, like, just God himself and who He is. And it’s just so powerful and so amazing, and so good and so positive. 

It’s hard to put this stuff into words. It’s like, mind blowing, when you truly grasp how good God is. He doesn’t have any bad intentions for you in the world whatsoever, no matter what the society says, just realizing this is just like… Oh my gosh, just to have a relationship with us, God Himself, God, the Son came down and died on the cross, the intersection of wrath and love when you just realize truly that how good God is and how much love He has for you truly, I know. It’s hard to believe how much love He has for you, and He’s truly on your side. It just changes everything. 

Becoming a Christian isn’t exactly a one time thing. It’s not saying the Lord’s Prayer for an entry ticket to heaven. It’s constantly growing in your faith with God, chasing him in any way possible. And living a life saturated with Christ. Even if you don’t believe it. That is the best thing you can ever have. Worship means ascribing worth to something. Diminishing all idols means that we can worship constantly every second throughout our daily lives. Because accepting Jesus is not just adding Him but also subtracting the idols so we can become 100% fully filled with Christ, becoming more capable of enjoying his love and sharing it with others. When our hearts are penetrated with God’s love, our lives overflow with the spirit and that’s when you truly experience satisfaction and joy with your life. Constantly worshiping. We start to have an increase in God-tuned sensibilities, meaning being so conscious of the greatness of the gospel, that even simple things like cutting the grass become an act of worship. As much as an act of worship would be like singing a praise song and church, just the way you view things or your perspective, just gets shifted into like this different lighting, or it’s just different. And it just really transforms our lives into something beautiful, and that has purpose when our inner state of heart is focused on God. 

Okay, Tim Keller said, “what your thoughts go to when nothing else is demanding your attention, is really the ruler of your heart.” And even after you’re converted by the gospel, your heart will go back to operating on principles unless you deliberately and repeatedly set it to gospel mode. So having a relationship with God doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t experience the ebb and flow of life circumstances. But God, He is your rock throughout it. And we can look to Jesus as a prime example for our lives. If you want to know who God is and what He’s like. You can get a Bible and turn and read about Jesus because He’s the example God in the flesh. Read up upon the life of Jesus because it kind of shows the personality that kind of sounds weird associating it with God. Jared Wilson said in his book that Gospel Wakefulness can be “treasuring Christ more greatly, and savoring has power more sweetly.” And we can do this to declare His glory. But to honestly declare the greatness of God requires bankruptcy or our own soul. 

If anyone could reach fulfillment by self reliance, God’s glory would be diminished. We grow closer to God in life’s darkest moments. That kind of reminds me of that cheesy quote. That in darker times light shines brighter. But until God is your only hope, He will not be your only hope. Like, there’s so much struggling and so much pain. You might be going through something yourself, but cry out to God and through these hopeless moments and through these dark moments, and realize that He does care. Even if you don’t believe he cares. He cares. God is so much greater than the darkness and the pain that you’re going to feel or that you’re feeling, experiencing. Just fully rely on him. Talk to him honestly, tell Him how you’re feeling. And only in these dark moments in periods of our life, do we fully see the glory of God.

 Christ’s unending love is sometimes so hard to understand, because of the fact that we don’t deserve it. And so because of this, people will try to earn grace. In certain situations. Christians that don’t really get or understand the gospel will exhaust themselves trying to earn God’s love by trying to be perfect for God. I guess, with the fact is, we’re humans, we can’t be perfect because we live in a world with an evil, corrupt nature. It’s just within. I’m going to read a verse from Galatians that I just think is mind blowing. Okay… “When I tried to obey the laws in the Scriptures, those who killed me as a result, I live in relationship with God, I have been crucified with Christ. I live no longer live, but Christ lives in me, the life I now live. I live by being and believing in God’s Son who loved me and took the punishment for my sins. I don’t reject God’s kindness, and we receive God’s approval by obeying that.

If we receive God’s approval by obeying the laws in the Scriptures, then Christ’s death would be pointless. Laws are God’s standards and we have fallen short. So God in his humility, destroyed the barrier of sin so that we may have a relationship with him by grace through faith, Christ did not die and rise again so that you could be stressed out if you’re being spiritual enough. You’re free.

You are free to enjoy life. Your sins are thrown into the sea of forgetfulness. It’s not about spiritual rituals, rather, God is our sun. Our lives are beautifully orbiting, orbiting around it. This is what separates Christianity’s so drastically from other religions.

Every other religious system, without exception, has the central message of get to work get to work get to work. But the unique message of Christianity is… it was finished (John 19:13). So it is no longer about rituals, but the state of the heart.

I’m also going to bring up, just because we are forgiven does not mean we can just do anything and go on sinning without a care in the world. No one who does this without giving a care in the world like I can assure you isn’t that close to God because the closer you are to God and more eager you are to please Him. And the less desire you have for sin. We don’t obey to be free, we obey because we are free. And Wilson quotes in his book, sin problems are just a symptom of a deeper worship problem. Those captured by grace, find sin more and more bitter, and obedience more and more sweet. Having a relationship with God, it is vital to understand how much love God has for you and how much He cares for you. And He only wants some good for you. You have to realize this to progress in your life. For Him. It’s a slow process of growing more and more in phase and more becoming in his image. 

Is it easy to love God? The answer to that would be it is easy for those who do it. You can’t just decide to like something your taste buds have to change. Want God and God alone, Chase him, yearn for Him cling on to Him. This I thought was just really important because this talked about like, just kind of like the idea. I know. I know this video is hard to understand for some people. And please, please reach out to me and I want to help you understand it in any way possible. I really hope that you saw this video with an open mind and I am planning to make more videos. So stick around and trust me so much mind blowing stuff coming up. And this is my dream to get this message out to people because this is what life is about.